Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Biggest Loser Inspiration.

It is two weeks before the half-marathon...

Rebecca just got kicked off the Biggest Loser.

I like Rebecca. She seemed a little sassy, a little stylish, a little something I could relate to. She started on the Biggest Loser the same weight I was when I began this journey.

In the "where are they now" segment they played after she got kicked off she was running a half-marathon. She started and finished her half-marathon weighing the same weight I am for my half-marathon.

Her goal weight is my goal weight. (and having seen the finale she made it and looked hot.)

Rebecca is my Biggest Loser inspiration. Her journey is different from my journey but our milestones are similar and she reminds me to hold strong to the fact that it will happen.

139.8 will soon happen. In the meantime I can look at Rebecca at my goal weight and be pretty excited to get there.

1 comment:

  1. The thermometer on the left doesn't have much left in it, simply amazing. You are a changin' woman.
