Thursday, May 20, 2010

A gorgeous morning greets us with a view of the ocean, sounds of the city, a perfect dominican breakfast & a wake up call from our favorite dominicano.
We're just not ready to come home. Boat rides, french people, near death experiences, new friends, new foods, good laughs. Shopping tomorrow before goodbyes.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where to begin? 1-we're still alive. 2-we don't what tomorrow holds but what's new? Oh! What's new are bracelets that say "oh dios mios" our theme for the day.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tomorrow...Helados Bon or bust!! It's been too long! Well, Helados Bon and a beach/snorkeling tour by boat where we will not get ripped off! Enough sunscreen?
Sun. Coco juice. 30min walk to city=2.5hours&tears. Burrito only means shape,not contents. 3 on moto home after 5 attempts@bank. Boogyboard saves day. No burns!
alive after a beautiful death-defying, unplanned moto ride in mtns. Rip off but my mad scared them down half price. Still expensive 'tour'. Sun-Beach-Adventure.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Favorites: heidi says "I know Sallie, you can buy a spanish board!" (Even our spanish speaking friends laughed) Sallie translating for heidi english to spanish.
Saturday: morning siesta, dominican lunch, 3D movie, catholic church. Late night out w/friends for dominican 'sushi' w/bacon, malecon w/water view & bad karaoke
Friday night: to the tv studio to watch mama film her tv show. Enjoyed flirtation of a very good looking dominican man. Dinner at fancy county club at 11:30pm!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Woke to gorgeous sun. Went to Zona Colonial in publico (7 in small car). Said 'no gracias' a lot. Had great street food after bad corn ice cream then drenched.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Arrived! Dominican lunch-yum. Siesta & shower. Walk to someplace we never found. Speaking bad spanish but understanding lots. Tomorrow-the place not found today
Fun watching 'fashion' then Flight canceled. Anger,tears,disbelief,laughter. Miami hotel, screw top wine, no luggage. Sleep nude, wash undie in sink. Luck? Fun.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Success!! 160 character blog updates start today! No pictures, we'll have to rely on internet cafes. 2 casualties today: left laundry soap & don't like purse!
I heard there was a way to text blog updates. I'm giving it a shot on my way to the airport!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Quickie

Just a quickie update of the last few weeks.

1. got sick.
2. found out Nepal was having strikes
3. was sick and had to decide if I was going to postpone/cancel Nepal trip
4. canceled Nepal trip.
5. cried a lot
6. was still sick
7. lied on the couch
8. went through 2 boxes of kleenex
9. booked tickets to the Dominican Republic for much needed vacation
10. went back to work
11. ran 8.5 miles
12. weighed in at 154.3...15 pounds left to lose, 125 pounds down
13. met another prospective Mary Kay client
14. packed tight for my trip
15. leaving tomorrow for the DR!

Check here and/or Facebook to see photos as we can post them through the trip. I'll make sure to update when I get back on the 21st.