Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Secret Sallie Behavior.

If there was a nanny-cam in my room it might see...
  • Butt Grabbing. I like it see if it is getting firm and round because I am a tad bit panicky that it will be flat. Someone said to me a few weeks ago that they will miss my booty. I will miss it too if it gets flat so I channel J-Lo and Beyonce as I do one-footed bridges. If you're around after a good workout, you might get to feel it too.
  • Belly Dancing. I know it's not really belly-dancing but I do like to pretend it is.
  • Bicep Flexing. I really, really like to feel my biceps. Actually, you might not see me feel my biceps in the nanny-cam because sometimes I like to cross my arms to discretely feel my biceps. Great entertainment in a boring meeting, you should try it.
  • Triceps Stretches. I really only stretch my arms so I can reach around and feel my shoulder blades. I think they will be cute.
  • Clothes Flying. Trying on clothes that don't fit quite yet every night until they do fit is one of my favorite "time to go to bed" activities. It also explains why there are so many clothes on my bedroom floor all the time.
  • Bed Dancing. Waking up is not waking up unless Ingrid Michaelson's "Be OK" is playing and I am squirming about in my bed. My arms often flail about during this dance.
  • The Twist. Except done slowly, to fast music and often in the process of getting my pajamas on.


  1. Are you going to put a video on the blog of you doing any of these activities? :)

  2. Hey Julie...good idea!!! Do you think the video would make me laugh as much as just imagining all the sights did?!

  3. hmmm... one of my secret heidi behaviors is grabbing your butt! i'm extra excited to do some grabbing while your here and feel your new tightness!
