Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dreams of Celebration.

I hope to lose these 100 pounds this year although I am realistic enough to know my life isn't "The Biggest Loser" (although some weeks I give them a run for their big fancy trainer money). Whenever I shed that last pound, however, I will be celebrating with the trip of a lifetime.

I will be taking my body, my confidence and my successfully skinny butt to a trifecta of beauty: Nepal, India and Bangladesh. (If I'm lucky my successfully skinny butt will also end up on a beach in Thailand.) I say it is a trip of a lifetime because I will never again in my life lose 50% of my body weight, I will only once feel the rush of excitement for the first time I do an activity that would never have been possible as the Sallie I once was. My trip will be more than a success of what I will be a trip to look forward to what can be.

A dream of mine is to have my own line of handmade paper cards, made from fair trade paper and of all the artisans I've learned about over the years, it is the artisans who create paper that I have wanted to visit. Traveling to India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Thailand will allow me to visit paper-making artisans, learning their stories and letting me dream of a future filled with paper.

Celebrating successes, dreaming of the future, embracing the day...that is my dream of a lifetime and it is only 100 pounds away.


  1. YAY!!!! Let the trek begin...or actually continue. Keep it up girl, and think about those 2 little nieces you'll have an endless amount of energy to chase around even when they tug at your finger in the early morning. :)

  2. i send you love, miss rockin' sallie landis!
