Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Coming Back to Center.

I've been away...not away from my computer, but away from a place of inspiration. I've been muddling by, getting in good sweaty workouts (sometimes), eating well (most weeks) and maintaining my weight. I've been off focus and frustrated. I've been discouraged. I've been disappointed. I've been uninspired.

I would think to myself, "You need to blog."
I would answer myself, "What the heck do I have to say?"

I met with a friend last week who had not seen me in months and was shocked by the small sight of me. I had a hard time sharing in her delight because by now I feel I have looked this way for 3 months and I'm sick of it, ready to move on. I confessed to her how discouraged I was. She asked if I'd blogged recently and as I told her I hadn't. I added that I knew that was part of the problem, that by not blogging I didn't have the release of thought, the conciousness that it took to keep me sharply focused and aware of myself.

She challenged me that my not blogging was more than that. In my blogging you get to share in my success, my milestones, my revelations and sometimes in my tears. You could celebrate with me in those times but now when I'm discouraged and uninspired, I turn away from writing, from my friends, family and cheerleaders...all when I am in the most need of YOUR inspiration!

She did a good job of putting my head back on (as she always does) and last week I managed to whiddle off some more weight...maybe it was the weight of frustration that I had been carrying for so long.

I feel to be back on the right path I have on more thing to say. I'm sorry. You all have been a wonderful support. I thought of you by name when I was discouraged and frustrated but I didn't come to you and say "I'm discourages, I'm frustrated, please inspire me." You could have, I know but I didn't come here. Next time, because there is enough weight left to lose there will be a next time, I will.


  1. “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” Dale Carnegie

    And, as a faithful follower of your blog and progress I failed you by not holding you accountable to your blog. I would check it and wonder, "Why hasn't Sal posted?" "What's going on with Sal?" Next time, I will hold you accountable. :)

  2. Yay for posting! Yay for your dear friend who helps think through the muddles! Yay for your weight loss!
