Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Stuff I Miss.

I am now in the middle of week two of my three weeks away from home. I used to miss my bed while loving the cable TV and restaurant meals that I didn't pay for. Now I think I am officially on my way to dork-hood. The following is a list of things that I now miss when I'm away from home.

1. Sauteed Spinach at lunch...and anything else I want to cook for that matter.
2. Walking outside to go to the bathroom...It might be cold but it's fresh air.
3. The weight bench and weights in the arms are feeling weak and I really like feeling my biceps.
4. Carpeted floors...workout videos on a cement slab can be hard on the joints.
5. A full kitchen...although I'm getting creative at cooking dinner in a microwave (yes spinach can be cooked in a microwave) I miss the stovetop.
6. Scale...Yesterday I went and bought a scale to leave in Akron for when I travel here and today I was very happy. This scale is being added to the two 5lbs dumbells and yoga mat that will live here as a little traveling gym.
7. A Garden View...I didn't realize how seeing the garden and sky makes me so happy. Cubicles just don't cut it.
8. TV Viewing buddies...when you yell at the TV alone you just look like a loser.
9. The big blue ceramic mug...little tiny mugs just get empty too fast.
10. People yelling supportive words at my sweaty self on the treadmill while they are sitting on the couch...need I say more?

Those are the top 10 things I miss. If they make me a dork at least they make me happy too.


  1. #4 strikes me as funny, because in the basement, there's barely anything between you and the cement. But I can still see how that little bit would make a difference. When you come back, I will sit on the couch and cheer you on.

  2. Yeah, I figured the cement floor wouldn't be to different but the basement but I was wrong. It is true that thin carpet isn't much over cement but carpet does provide friction, a very helpful thing when going from plank to chaturanga to up dog to down dog. Carpet also keeps your feet from sliding when doing jumping side lunges, thus saving your knees.

  3. Would a yoga mat help remedy some of that? Yet another fun thing to haul around with you :).

  4. The same day I bought my two 5lb weights I also bought 2 yoga mats. They help some, especially when I stack them on top of each other. My personal health kit continues to grow.
