Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Morning Miracle.

For weeks (ok, ok...months) I've been attempting to wake up in the morning for a workout before starting the workday.

This morning a miracle occurred. I awoke at 6:00am alert enough to coax myself out of bed and into workout gear. My shoes were laced before I heard the rain pouring outside...a lucky break since hearing the rain would have ensured my hitting snooze. I didn't have the mental stamina to face a 4.5 mile run in the dark, cold rain at 6am but since I was already dressed I hit the fitness room for 60 minutes on the stationary bike.

It turned out to be a good way to start out the day. It's not yet a habit but at least the snooze standard was broken. Can I make it two days in a row? We'll see tomorrow but staying at a place with no easy access to TV or other evening distractions defiantly makes the odds higher. It's 9pm and I'm crawling into bed.

One morning miracle workout down...and still more than a month to train myself to enjoy it before the half-marathon.

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